Is your business in need of assistance? is a helpdesk for Shreveport and Caddo area businesses navigating the economic strains imposed by the COVID-19 crisis. We offer private, one-on-one counseling for small business owners and managers. We can answer questions and help you find solutions to common challenges. We can arrange free, in-depth advisory calls with mentors in banking, accounting, legal, and business. To get started, click below and book a time to chat.

Or call 318-230-7891

City of Shreveport Forgivable Loans

This program has now closed. If you have already applied but have not yet been contacted, your application is currently being reviewed, and we will contact you shortly.

Small Business F.A.Q.

If you can’t find what you need in this F.A.Q. section click “Schedule Now” to schedule a Zoom meeting.

Can't find the answer you need?

Email us here or click “Schedule Now” below to schedule a meeting.

Schedule a confidential meeting now.

Or call 318-230-7891
*Need to schedule a second meeting? Click Here

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